Is Communist sect expanding so fast? Why? Can we stop and save our liberty from Stalin? Can Stalin be revived by Russians? Can we stop communist expansion and destroy their sects?
The Communist sect is expanding like a darkness among our young people, overspreading in every corner of our country, threatening to our freedom to vote and choose our non-red leaders who bring our nation to glory. Every day and every hour, one young person is confused by red evil monks to drag him to a close circle called The Communist Party, for a purpose to conquer the world and put it down absolute Soviet control. They use a language what Stalin had used to convince Hitler to attack France, UK and finaly the freest country in the world, USA.
To evit it, we must find a Stalin's tomb, put there the cross of Jesus Christ and holy water, so Stalin will never stand up from his tomb and the world will be safe. Then, we must forbid every Communist Party, their meetings, and every member must be expulsed from the planet or given to scientific experiments to improve science and make better life for our glorious nation. Also, it must be created a court to judge bad citizens who support communist sectarians or who is related with communists, change our Constitution to preserve rightwing leaders on the power even if it's for eternity, create an institution "Sacred McCarthy" to fight against secret Russians agents who came from USSR and for safety destroy them, or convert them into our own agents offering them freedom to buy car, house, a new good-looking wife, and give a right to vote for our glorious leaders. So, if we follow this important points which I explained up, we can stop expansion of communist sect sponsered by Stalin, Russians, Muslims, Al-Qaeda, Islamic State and Mexicans immigrants.