Saturday 17 January 2015

Free Writing (Enjoy my thinking trash)

Ok, I'm sitting here oin my chair without any lust to write, because inside of me there no ideas, the creativity is dead and I don't give any importance to what I'm writting about right now. Just follow reading this text, but u wont find any interesting thing here, just free your mind and get borred, whethear u wanna do something productive, go and get some drink for me, yes, I like Coca-Cola and all this american stuff, stupid americans and their democracy, who gives a caca about their policy, nobody wants their stupid culture, even Obama hates America but he tries to hide it, stupid yankee, why Osama didn't kill'em, f***ng Osama and his religious fanatism, Al-Qaeda is the future for this world, so for next election vote for Islamic State leaded by Mohammed MacCain, let's make this world free of liberals, ëбаный в рот............. what have u done ..... keep on your..... I'm listening music and it says wo.. wow... wow... bum...bum...singing something in indian, it's so relaxing, it mixed music by dj, trance style "du hee, ahan, du hee, ahan" and she's speaking very good indian, sure she speaks good, cuz, s's an indian, дурачок нах, I can continiue zis 4evr, but I must stop somewhere, so давай остановимся aquí mismo if u want so, but whuoooo, how I голоден joder. I must stop here or u'll get some cancer reading it, or if not, gonna kill me <zand I wanna live.F**k, can't upload it, cuz may I wrote about somezing wrong abouyt Abama...

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